Fort Point Neighborhood News Moves to

Effective immediately FPNA will be posting Fort Point & South Boston Waterfront news and events on the Fort Point Boston blog. You may also access it from our menu above by clicking on Fort Point Blog. To stay current on news and events as they happen, please subscribe to the blog and to our monthly FPNA newsletter. Follow us @FPNA_BostonFort Point Boston | Facebook and @fpnaboston • Instagram.

2025 FPNA Neighborhood Gathering Dates
6 pm – 8 pm

January 28 (in person at Boston Children’s Museum
business entrance at 308 Congress St. or online viewing only)
February 25 (zoom only)
March 25 (no meeting this month)
April 29
May 20 (3rd Tuesday)
June 17 (3rd Tuesday)
September 30
October 28

We welcome you to join us. Gathering locations will be announced closer to the date. Please sign up for our newsletter for advance notice. July and August Gatherings will be scheduled if necessary.

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Boston Grand Prix

final update 4/29/16: IndyCar Boston, the promoters of the Boston Grand Prix, announced that they were cancelling the Boston race.

On April 20, the Boston Conservation Commission (ConCom) determined that the Boston Grand Prix must file of Notice of Intent (NOI) as parts of the event and track area are subject to wetland protection act and the work requested will remove, fill, drudge or alter that area. The NOI process would allow for public comment. The Boston Grand Prix has stated publically that they will appeal ConCom’s decision to the Department of Environment.

There are still many questions surrounding the complexities of the Boston Grand Prix auto race.  The next public meeting will be held on May 10, 2016 at the BCEC, room 154. The third public meeting occurred April 12th. Below is list of filings, meeting presentations and documents related to the Boston Grand Prix:

April public meeting presentation and updated track map.

On March 31st, the Boston Public Improvement Commission voted in favor of all petitions for Congress St, D Street, Fargo St and with Cypher Street. The Cypher Street petition was granted under the condition of environmental approval by the appropriate city, state and federal agencies.

Public Improvement Commission filing  and engineering reports on March 17, 2016.
Public Improvement Commission public comment deadline  and hearing is March 31, 2016 at 10 am Boston City Hall, room 801, 8th floor.  Agenda.
March public meeting presentation
detailed track route map (draft) as of March 4, 2016
February public meeting presentation.  Also available is a mid-February presentation made to one of the Fort Point residential buildings and posted with their permission.

The FPNA actively advocates for more information on the Boston Grand Prix be made available to the neighborhood in order to understand daily impacts from pre-construction, which is projected to start in May to the event itself through breakdown and restoration. As offered by IndyCar Boston, the organizers of the Boston Grand Prix, at the February public meeting, we encourage neighbors to schedule individual residential building wide meetings to discuss specific concerns directly. Contact Kate Norton to set up a meeting.

In May 2015 meeting, FPNA introduced the neighborhood to the three day auto race event concept  proposed for Labor Day weekends 2016-2020 in the Seaport and Fort Point neighborhoods of Boston. FPNA hosted the Boston Grand Prix for a second time on January 26, 2016.

Over a hundred neighbors turned out to learn answers to questions they had raised  regarding the Boston Grand Prix event in advance of the January meeting. Read list of Boston Grand Prix Questions. View Boston Grand Prix’s presentation at the January 26th FPNA neighborhood meeting.

January 26th Meeting Press Coverage: Fox 25 News and South Boston Online.

The Boston Grand Prix signed a letter of intent for the September 2-4, 2016 event with City of Boston, MassPort, MBTA, and MCCA on December 18, 2015.

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FPNA Monthly Neighborhood Meeting

The Fort Point Neighborhood Association continues their monthly neighborhood meeting series on Tuesday, February 25, 2014.  This month’s special guest is State Representative Nick Collins.  The meeting will begin with an open discussion on neighborhood issues, updates on Fort Point branding by Danielle Pillion, Executive Director, Friends of Fort Point Channel; and on BCEC gate show parking and transportation by Bob O’Shea, Community Liaison, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. Representative Collins will speak at 7 pm to be followed by a question and answer period. If that is not enough, Fort Point Market will be providing tasty snacks and Harpoon will be offering samples along with an exclusive invitation to Fort Point neighbors. Come join your neighbors.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
6 pm
Factory 63
63 Melcher (Melcher & A Sts)

The next meeting will be held on March 25, 2014. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month starting at 6pm at Factory 63.

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What do boats, homes and golf have in common?

From February 22nd – March 2nd, 2014, the New England Boat Show will be at the Boston Exhibit & Convention Center, and the New England Home Show and the National Golf Expo will be at the Seaport World Trade.

Boat show overflow parking will most likely be needed over this weekend and next weekend. If the Boston Marine Industrial Park garage fills, the Necco Street garage will be used.

For details, please read The New England Boat Show 2014 Traffic Plan provided by Bob O’Shea, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority Community Liaison.  To hear more about gateshow traffic plans and impact on the Fort Point neighborhood, Bob O’Shea will be speaking at the upcoming FPNA Neighborhood meeting Tuesday, Feb 25th at 6pm at Factory 63.

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Community Driven Branding Initiative

updated 2.19.14: Fort Point Advocates Look to Visually Brand Neighborhood tonight at 6pm. (originally posted 01.30.14)

Please join the Friends of Fort Point Channel for a conversation about street banners in Fort Point and the Fort Point Channel. Fort Point based design team, Stoltze Design, will share three possible graphic identities for Fort Point and gather feedback from the community.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
6:00-7:00 p.m.
290 Congress Street, 2nd floor (Fort Point Room)

Read more about the Community Branding Initiative.


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One Channel Center Project Meeting Update

updated 3.9.14:  Access to Haul Rd/ South Boston Bypass Rd restricted to commercial cars.

updated 2.13.14: Gillette parking lot closes Friday, February 14, 2014 to Channel Center monthly parkers. Read more details below

Commonwealth Ventures updated residents about the One Channel Center project on February 5, 2014. State Street employees start arriving this week. Employees will arrive in groups of approximately 250 a week. Currently, the first seven floors are open for occupancy. State Street is running one shuttle bus with a pick-up/drop-off on Iron St. and then traversing up Channel Center Street to A Street.

The Channel Center garage opened on February 7, 2014. Standard Parking is the operator. The garage is equipped with security cameras and blue phones. Until approximately mid-March, the daily flat rate will be $15 with an on-site attendant from 5:30am – 11:30pm. There will be a phone number posted for after hour access. Once automated, the garage will be self service with a $24 per day maximum with night and weekend discounts. Existing Channel Center parking clients must move from the Gillette lot by Friday, February 14, 2014 to the Channel Center garage. Any questions, please contact the garage office at 617-269-1830 or Paul McNamera . The garage façade is in production and installation is scheduled for April through May.  The artistic façade will be visible from all four sides.

A meeting was scheduled for last Friday regarding the Richards Street activation and the work that needs to be done at Richards/Medallion and Richards/By Pass Road. The streets around the east and southern elevations of One Channel Center and around the park will become City of Boston streets. At the time of the Channel Center meeting, no definitive dates had been set for traffic light installations. The lighting of the new “old-fashioned” style street lights is awaiting the Department of Public Works scheduling with Nstar. Residents requested that traffic signs be posted to ensure safe flow throughout the neighborhood. The requested signs and locations are: Do Not Enter at Medallion/Iron, Stop signs at Medallion/Richards and a Stop or Caution warning at the exit of the USPS facility onto Medallion.

The Haul Rd/South Boston Bypass Rd will remain open on a trial basis beyond the Callahan Tunnel reopening in March. All parties with the exception of MassPort want the road to be open in perpetuity.

The pocket park, located at the corner of 10 Channel Center & Iron Sts, will resume plantings in the spring along with installation of benches made from old timbers from 5 Channel Center and a mosaic art installation.

The new park will resume in the spring as well with a target completion date of June. A 100 acre non-profit will be established under the leadership of the BRA’s Rich McGuiness to maintain the park.

Commonwealth Ventures will be scheduling more meetings in the future as the project reaches completion.

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BWSC South Boston/A Street Sewer Separation Project Schedule

updated 2/11/14:
Wednesday, February 12th: A Street from West Broadway to West Third Street
Wednesday, February 19th: A Street between West 1st to West 2nd Street.

Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) is undergoing a separation of the combined sewer system in the vicinity of West Broadway and A Street. The project’s purpose is to reduce substantially pollution in the Fort Point Channel and Boston Harbor by decreasing overflow from the combined sewer and rain water pipes during storms.

The associated work is scheduled as follows:

Monday, Februay 3rd
A Street from West First to Richards Street

Tuesday, February 4th
A Street from Richards Street to Mt. Washington Avenue

Wednesday, February 5th
A Street from Iron Street to Mt. Washington Avenue

Thursday, February 6th
A Street from Mt. Washington Avenue to Wormwood Street

Friday, February 7th
A Street from West Second Street to West First Street

Monday, February 11th
A Street from West Broadway to West Third Street

Tuesday, February 12th
A Street from Athens Street to West Third Street

The Project Manager is Myles Johnson, who may be reached at 617-427-0490. In case of emergency, please call BSWC 24/7 at 617-989-7000.

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1 Channel Center Project Completion Meeting

I Channel Center St

Source: May 2012 Channel Center Project Presentation

updated 2.5.13 2:19pm: Meeting is still on for tonight. Bundle up and walk on over.

Join Suffolk Construction and Commonwealth Ventures to hear updates on the 1 Channel Center St. building and garage, as well as logistics on the State Street move-in and shuttle service, Iron, Richards and Medallion Streets activation, the parks and more.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Suffolk Construction Office
10 Channel Center St.
(via double doors on Iron St)

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Fall in Love with Fort Point

Fall in Love with Fort Point is a special fundraising event for Fort Point Arts Community (FPAC) hosted by Bee’s Knees Supply Company. FPAC members and Fort Point neighbors are invited on to sip and sample delicious food and beverages provided by Fort Point restaurants, as well as view works of art on display by FPAC artists.

Thursday, February 6, 2014
6pm to 8pm
Bee’s Knees Supply Company
12 Farnsworth St. Boston, MA 02210

One of New England’s largest artists’ communities, FPAC’s mission is to increase the visibility of the arts in Fort Point, preserve the artists’ community in Fort Point, and insure the continuance of permanent, affordable, studio space.

A suggested donation of $20 at the door goes entirely to FPAC, and allows you to enjoy beer and wine, as well as dishes provided from the neighborhood’s best restaurants!

Participating restaurants include Tavern RoadTradeKO Catering and Pies and more.

Experience the diversity our neighborhood has to offer – for a great neighborhood cause!

RSVP to Bee’s Knees by Tuesday, February 4, 2014.

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Neighborhood Welcome Party at Row 34

Row 34Join Row 34 on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 from 6:00- 8:00 pm for a fun evening of oysters, drinks, and getting to know each other! Come taste some of Row 34’s favorite things to eat and drink while you mingle with your neighbors. Meet the owners and the founder of Island Creek Oyster Farm who will be there personally shucking the oysters.
How can you miss this fun and free event?
Be sure to R.S.V.P. to Kaitlin by end of day Monday, February 3d or call (617) 553-5900.

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