
FPNA actively monitors plans and development projects throughout the neighborhood by participation in the City of Boston Article 80 pubic meetings and attendance at Fort Point Landmark Commission hearings. We encourage the community to engage in public meetings and to write comment letters. The organization also submits comment letters on projects reflecting the proposed plans and development impacts on quality of life and environmental concerns in the neighborhood.

In 2024, FPNA submitted the following comment letters:
February: 24 Farnsworth Street Emergency Overflow Shelter Questions Letter 022024
February: 24 Farnsworth Street Migrant Housing Center Questions 020724
Answers posted here.
MCCA Letter of Intent & Agreement with FPNA & SVLENA for BCEC Beautification Project 021424
March: FPNA letter on 232 A Street MEPA Draft Environmental Impact Report

In 2021, FPNA submitted the following comment letters:
October: FPNA letter on 244 -284 A Street MEPA Draft Environmental Impact Report
August: FPNA letter on MassDEP Waterways Amendments to Regulations 310 CMR 9 (scroll down page)
July: FPNA letter on 601 Congress Street
May: FPNA letter on Parcels O & P in Raymond Flynn Marine Park
May: FPNA Letter on 24 Drydock Ave in Raymond Flynn Marine Park
February: FPNA letter on 100 Acres Open Space Concept Draft Plan
February:  FPNA letter on  Hook Wharf Project Notification Form