The Boston Tree Party Planting Event

Title: The Boston Tree Party Planting Event
Location: Binford Park
Link out: Click here
Description: The Boston Tree Party has given FPNA two lovely semi-dwarf apple trees. Gillette is enthusiastically supporting this project. They have committed to a daily watering schedule and have even paid the fee for the tree planting kit, which includes an animal protection system. Their landscaper is testing the soil to be sure it is appropriate for the trees and we are told the fruit will be safe to eat. The two varieties are Roxbury Russet and Esopus Spitzenburg. Heartfelt thanks go to Gary Hall at P&G.
The tree planting will be Sunday May 20th at 1:00 in the Gillette park off of Binford Street. You are invited to bring snacks and beverages for a picnic in the park. We encourage young arborists to attend and the children will get to dig the first shovel fulls (great family photo opportunity). For more information visit:
Start Time: 13:00
Date: 2012-05-20
End Time: 14:00

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