Title: Public Scoping Session for the South Station Expansion Project
Location: One South Station, 2nd Floor, Boston
Link out: Click here
Description: The Environmental Notification Form (ENF) for the South Station Expansion project is now available for public review and comment. MassDOT submitted the ENF to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office on March 15. In the ENF, MassDOT outlines the potential environmental consequences of expanding South Station, as well as our preliminary understandings of the transportation and other benefits that we can anticipate from the project.
MassDOT is looking for your comments and feedback on the Environmental Notification Form. Please join them at a Public Scoping Session where you can ask questions, provide comments, and describe your vision for the future of South Station.
Prior to the Public Scoping Session, you can read the ENF on the project website. The document is also available for review at the State Transportation Library and at the Massachusetts State Library. Copies are also available upon request. Our latest Project Fact Sheet summarizes the ENF as well.
Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Date: April 1, 2013